Our Next Meeting

Next Regular Meeting: Wed March 26th, 2025


Meeting to be held at the Swan Hotel, 425 Church St, Richmond VIC 3121. Drinks and congenial talk at the bar with meals 6.30 to 8.00. Formal proceedings kick off at around 7.30pm sharp (approx) thereabouts! Our meetings are scheduled for the 4th Wednesday of each month except December.

Latest News

  • 20Feb
    Minie News February 2025
    posted by ACWRTA

    Included in this MN is a small section given to a marvellous cartoonist Bill Mauldin who made his name with cartoons from the front in WWII. They dealt with the infantry, the foot sloggers and were strong comments on the way the war was fought and proved to be a true vision and a tonic for the home front understanding of what the regular soldier was facing in Africa and Europe. Mauldin’s work did not please some of the top brass but his Willie and Joe characters Mauldin received a Pulitzer Prize in 1945 for a cartoon showing battle-weary troops…

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  • 16Jan
    Minie News January 2025
    posted by ACWRTA

    Included in this MN is some information on a fantastic read dealing with the WW1 German commerce raider the SMS Wolf. In many ways the voyage of the SMS Wolf has a synchronicity with the voyage of the CSS Shenandoah 51 years earlier. Thrilling stuff. We encourage current members to maintain their status by renewing their subscriptions to the ACWRTA for the 2025 calendar year. And just a plug for those people still on snail mail; you may wish to move over to the digital edition of the MN with full colour to blind your eyes and to spark your imagination!

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  • 21Nov
    Minie News November 2024
    posted by ACWRTA

    Nudging towards the end of the year; finally getting some summer weather in Melbourne for the next couple of days (Friday and Saturday in particular); by next Wednesday’s meeting at the Swan Hotel, will be back to normal.

    A good Remembrance Day at the Melbourne Shrine on November 11th with a few thousand attendees (including Matho and the little corporal); we’ve just passed Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address anniversary and our American cousins will be celebrating Thanksgiving next week.

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  • 17Oct
    Minie News October 2024
    posted by ACWRTA

    For the first two weeks of October your two editors will be in California and more specifically in the small town of Lone Pine at the foot of the Eastern Sierras soaking up the Alabama Hills where many a western movie was filmed. The Lone Pine Film Festival is in its 34th year.

    Major parts of “How the West was Won”, “Gunga Din, “Bad Day at Black Rock” and countless Hopalong Cassidy films were filmed on location in the fabulous and unique Alabama Hills.

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  • 19Sep
    Minie News September 2024
    posted by ACWRTA

    This month we are using our annual President’s XI to allow members to take the podium and deliver a 5-6 minute talk on any subject tangentially concerned with the CW. In past years this has proved an excellent way to allow the more reticent of members to dip their toes into the presentation arena without having to hold the floor for 30-60 minutes.

    In this MN we include look back at the first volume of Shelby Foote’s take on the CW which was published over sixty years ago. Much more information has come to light over the years but his view of the CW still stands up today.

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  • 22Aug
    Minie News August 2024
    posted by ACWRTA

    Nine more days of winter; Olympic are finish; football season coming to the pointy end; full moon and the cold days of deep dark August look like they have finished so fingers crossed for a decent night at the Swan Hotel on August 28th.

    We are gong to have a discussion on how the Lincoln cabinet managed to get through the war plus a couple of other off-topics; an excellent talk last month by Keith with a strong zoom contingent from around the country; plus we thank our local members for braving the elements; another wonderful Minie News courtesy of the hard-working editors; appreciations for our committee!

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  • 18Jul
    Minie News July 2024
    posted by ACWRTA

    Middle-winter in wonderful Melbourne, coolish, wettish and at least we hope that next Wednesday night at the Swan Hotel won’t have the extra-big crowds we have had the past three months due to outside events. We welcome Keith Wilson speaking and he will also have some copies of his new book available.

    Again we thank our editors for the outstanding Mine News; to the facebook organizers; the hard-working committee and our members for their support. John Mathieson has returned safely back from a quick visit to the mother country and see family in the UK; so the book raffle committee of John & Bill are back in control.

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  • 19Jun
    Minie News June 2024
    posted by ACWRTA

    Dateline: Wednesday June 19th; anniversary of the battle between the Kearsarge and the Alabama; Melbourne is sunny but cold (as is the rest of southeast Australia) and we have our meeting next Wednesday night to commemorate the birth of James I Waddell in July 1824; so the Round Table is underwriting meals next week at the Swan Hotel- as I write the Melbourne Cricket Ground will be hosting a State of Origin that Wednesday evening though by the time we get to our meeting proper they’ll be at the ‘G and we should have more space for us.

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  • 15May
    Minie News May 2024
    posted by ACWRTA

    Back in the late 1960s about the only thing editor Warren knew about the Civil War was a strange novel by the now largely forgotten cult author Richard Brautigan. The title (as with all of his books) was intriguing albeit the novel barely touched on the subject of the Civil War but it did pass on the gob-smacking fact that there were hundreds of Civil War generals on both the Union and Confederate sides of the conflict. Even today we only talk or hear about the famous Generals or the ones that stand out from the ruck because of a singular success or a shocking failure.

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  • 18Apr
    Minie News April 2024
    posted by ACWRTA

    April may be referred to as CW Month but it also resonates in Australia with the Gallipoli landings on 25 April 1915 and the start of the eight month siege of Tobruk on 10th April 1941. Editor Warren attended the Tobruk ceremony and visited for the first time “Tobruk House” in Albert Park, Melbourne It was extremely well attended as no doubt will be the ANZAC services around the country on the 25th April.

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  • 21Mar
    Minie News March 2024
    posted by ACWRTA

    Asa Carter/Forrest Carter – and his somewhat extraordinary and notorious life: Today he would definitely be “cancelled” but as with the likes of Bill Cosby, Rolf Harris, Kevin Spacey and Woody Allen (to name a few) where does one stand on the separation of the artist with the art, or is it even possible to achieve separation; A most vexed question. Editor warren enjoys pulp westerns and films made from the same. He enjoyed reading “Gone to Texas” and the Clint Eastwood film version “The Outlaw Josey Wales but has no time for the racist views of the author Asa Carter/Forrest Carter.

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  • 22Feb
    Minie News February 2024
    posted by ACWRTA

    Included in this MN is a wonderful collection of books with a CW focus and general American history by the very readable Dee Brown universally recognised for his ground breaking work on Native Americans with the poetically memorable title, “Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee”. Dee Brown should be heritage listed! We have also included a short review of a work by cultural historian Sarah Churchwell who has written a scathing book on the “Lost Cause” and the lies America tells itself. “The Wrath To Come” is a fantastic read and she weaves the Civil War, “Gone With the Wind” and current American politics into the piece of fabric that we call America.

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